Pharma & Healthcare

Is it safe for patients with heart disease to have sex? How can Active EECP help cardiac patients achieve a fulfilling sex life?



MUMBAI: Among the many questions asked by my heart patients in Mumbai, is whether heart ailments, or cardiovascular disease can affect one’s sex life, to what extent and is it safe to have sex at all if you are suffering from some form of heart disease or ailment, says Active EECP and heart specialist Dr Pranav Kabra with the Raksha Multispeciality Hospital in suburban Mumbai.

According to Dr Pranav Kabra, “It is reasonably safe for a heart patient to have sex if the cardiovascular condition is stabilized and under control with no major danger signs or signals from the body.”

“Regular and fulfilling sexual activity is part of human existence and a major quality of life issue, both for men and women and equally affects the patient as well as their partners over time,” opines Dr Pranav Kabra.

Cardiovascular issues and events — such as a heart attack, irregular heart beat, acute chest pain caused by heart disease — hardly or rarely occur during sexual activity, because sexual activity is usually for a short time from 10 to 20 minutes.

“At this stage, I would recommend patients with heart disease go in for Active EECP treatment to minimize or completely cure cardiac related problems,” Dr Kabra opines.

“Some patients tend to postpone sexual activity to when it is relatively safe for them to indulge in it,” while on the other hand, there are other patients for whom it may be advisable to defer sexual activity until they’re stabilized and their heart condition is under control,” suggests Dr Kabra, adding that Active EECP treatment can help heart patients show drastic improvement in their cardiac condition.

Sexual dysfunction due to heart ailments is directly related to the severity of cardiovascular disease.

When patients resumed sexual activity, those with severe heart disease reported significant difficulty, including a lack of interest in sex, sexual dissatisfaction and a decrease in the frequency of sexual activity. These factors and issues can be remedied to a great extent by Active EECP therapy that leads to a better sense of fulfillment, aiding in a better life experience.

If you have unstable or non-controllable cardiovascular disease or if your symptoms are severe, you should be treated and stabilized before indulging in sexual activity, opines Dr Kabra using Active EECP therapy that can help avoid a bypass or other surgical methods to treat cardiac ailments.

Active EECP therapy helps patients will physical and cardiac ailments, including problems like obesity, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and other sexual problems caused by high blood pressure, etc., achieve a fulfilling sex life

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