News Reports

Sunburn drug overdose case: Guests allege youth collapsed due to drug overdose?



MUMBAI: In what seems to be a case of drug overdose, a Mumbai-based actor Rayya Labib has claimed that her friends who were partying at the Sunburn music festival in Goa on 30th December, witnessed two youth in their late 20s faint and fall unconscious while consuming alcohol and partying at the festival.

According to Rayya Labib, she was also supposed to attend the popular music festival, but had to back out at the last minute. Her friends continued to Goa and in her words, “My friends were partying on 30th evening, when they witnessed a classic case of drug overdose when two youth in their late twenties who were partying away at the venue suddenly collapsed to the ground. Their friends carried them out of the venue and rushed them to their vehicle,” Rayya explained, adding her friends who were eye witnessses to the incident do not know what happened after the youth were taken away.

Her friends who narrated the incident to her the next day claimed that the youth were around 26 or 27 years of age and looked like they had consumed drugs. “They were also drinking and were highly intoxicated,” Rayya said, adding that her friends were not sure if the duo had consumed drugs inside the Sunburn venue.

“My friends were not sure. While the two youth looked intoxicated and looked like they had taken drugs – from their behavior, facial expressions and aggressive nature, we do not exactly know what they had consumed and where,” Rayya told this reporter. tried to individually confirm if this incident took place and ascertain its authenticity. It is likely that guests at such music festivals collapse due to exhaustion, a police officer who was posted at the venue said. The cops were carrying out random drug tests and all guests were subjected to frisking at entry points. We are not sure what exactly happened and the cops we spoke to did not have any information about this case.

There were reports in some local Goan media as well as on social media posts that a woman who fainted was rushed out in an ambulance. One such SM post claimed there were two women who had to be provided medical care and were taken out in the ambulance after they collapsed at the venue. We are trying to dig deeper and get more details about these instances and reports. Watch this space for more updates as details come in.

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