Health & Medicine
What is Active EECP Max? How is it better and more effective when compared to conventional EECP machines?

MUMBAI: Firstly, to set the record straight, Active EECP Max is not the name of a machine or a treatment. It is an entire therapy package spread over 40 sessions of one hour each and six days a week, that includes conventional EECP treatment with the latest 2022 model computer-driven EECP machine, comprehensive software, counselling sessions by experts, diet and blood pressure management and other health and medical services that are proprietary in nature.
While conventional EECP treatment is known to ensure formation of collateral blood vessels in the body, at times helping avoid the need for bypass surgery and solving other pathophysiological conditions or problems in the human body, the Active EECP Max therapy package can almost guarantee the avoidance of bypass surgery and assuredly solve various problems like erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue syndrome, high blood pressure problems and many more.
According to Dr Pranav Kabra, managing director of the Raksha Multispeciality Hospital at Malad in suburban Mumbai, which exclusively offers the Active EECP Max therapy in Mumbai, “while there are hundreds of centers and medical facilities across the country offering EECP treatment, the Active EECP Max therapy package, which has been exclusively developed in-house in consultation with several EECP experts ensures that patients get the solutions they are looking for.
Conventional EECP or Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) uses pressure on the lower limbs to improve blood flow in people with long-term symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain and blood pressure.
Active EECP Max therapy leads to an expansion of the networks of tiny blood vessels or capillaries in the body and helps to develop new pathways or “bypass” around the arteries that are blocked. This results in the increase of the blood flow and also the normalization of the blood flow to the heart muscles and other parts of the body including the male sexual organs, solving problems of erectile dysfunction and other issues.
Active Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) Max therapy is a safe and effective alternative to bypass surgery when treating angina (chest pain) in people with coronary artery disease and other physiological ailments. It may have uses for other conditions including heart failure, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and long COVID.