Goa News

Sex Scandal Tainted Goa Cabinet Minister May Not Be Sacked, Reveal Top Sources



PANAJI: According to the latest updates from our sources, the sex scandal tainted Goa Cabinet Minister may not be sacked after all and may even go scot-free. (Read Full Story Here)

Reliable sources said that though there was an animated and heated discussion in the party core group meeting a day earlier, the Super CM of the State is not in favor of sacking the Cabinet Minister. The reason is very simple. The concerned scandal-tainted Cabinet Minister is the main collection agent and fund raiser for the party and all collection and recovery work in the port and docks area is done by the tainted Minister, who sends a sizeable contribution each month to the State party fund. READ HERE: Victim Could Be Kidnapped And Illegally Restrained, Claims Social Worker

The Super CM is worried if the Cabinet Minister were to be sacked, the monthly collection from the port and docks area would stop, which would be bad for the party. Hence, the party is willing to take a risk and the Minister is being allowed to continue with his post and designation for now as there is hardly a month left for the Code of Conduct to come into force, with Assembly elections in Goa likely in the first week of February 2022.

With the Goa government refusing to budge on the matter, it now remains to be seen if Goa Congress State President Girish Chodankar keeps to his word and reveals the name of the tainted Minister in 15 days, along with the evidence in his possession. READ HERE: Accused Minister’s thugs prevented survivor from filing complaint

In the meantime, a social activist is moving the Bombay High Court seeking justice for the victim. READ HERE: Social Worker To Approach HC In Goa Cabinet Minister Sex Scandal Case

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