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Malad Hsg Soc Asmita Jyoti CHS Creates Hurdles for Covid Warriors & Patients, Problems For Raksha Hospital

Mumbai, April 9: A Housing Society in Malad West, Malwani – Asmita Jyoti CHS located near the Charkop traffic signal, and some of its members are creating hurdles in the functioning of Raksha Hospital – a BMC designated Covid Centre, located on the first floor of the society premises.
According to the Raksha Hospital spokesperson, due to a huge surge of Covid patients in the area, they want to install additional beds and increase their facilities. There are several sections or galas on the same floor and adjacent to the hospital lying vacant and unoccupied in the society and the Hospital wants to rent them to augment their healthcare facilities. The hospital needs additional storage space as well to store consumables and equipment required at odd hours in a super emergency when at times 4-5 serious patients are brought in. Due to shortage of medical oxygen in Mumbai, additional liquid oxygen needs to be stored as supplies have become erratic. It’s not just about expanding beds, we need additional space for equipment and are ready to pay for it, the spokesperson said.
“The owner of the vacant galas, which are segregated from the residential section is ready and willing to rent his premises to Raksha Hospital and has even issued an NOC, but some building society members are playing spoilsport and not issuing the society NOC required to get a clearance from the BMC. The official reason given is that building society does not want additional Covid patients coming into the complex, but the truth is that some members are demanding huge bribes to provide their NOC,” said Flynn Remedios, a spokesperson for Raksha Hospital.
“The society has separate commercial and residential wings. The entrances and exits are separate and non porous. Covid patients are handled with utmost care and isolated. Premises are sanitized twice or thrice everyday. Yet the society is not permitting the setting up of an additional section and creating problems for the Hospital by filing false and fake letters with the authorities, said Remedios.
Dr Pranav Kabra, Managing Director of Raksha Hospital Malad said, “We want to provide prompt and economical medical and healthcare to the residents of Malad but some people refuse to see the larger picture. We follow all protocols laid down and additional patients do not pose any danger of contamination to the residents of the society. The sections of the hospital are sealed and there is no contact with the rest of the society. But some members are adamant and selfish.
Some members of the society are opposing the Raksha Hospital expansion only because they want to fill their pockets. Covid patients are just an excuse. Very strict protocols and SOPs are being followed by the Hospital and we have all the permissions in place, but we are not being allowed to expand our capacity by 8-10 beds because some selfish, self-centered society members want to enrich themselves via blackmail and bribes, Remedios stated.