News Reports
Hardened criminals like Aftab Poonawalla cannot be nailed by polygraph and narco-tests, they can manipulate the outcome and results: Dr Pranav Kabra

MUMBAI: “The human mind can be controlled by pre-programming, practice of yoga or meditation and various other mind-control methods known to man for centuries. Military regimes and military personnel undergo this training regularly, just in case they are caught by the enemy. They can resist all forms of torture or other psychological tests and yet divulge nothing to the other side. Similarly, a hardened criminal like Aftab Poonawalla who knew for almost six months or even two years that someday he would have to face the cops can easily manipulate the results of tests like narco analysis and the polygraph or lie-detector test,” opines Dr Pranav Kabra of the Raksha Multispeciality Hospital in suburban Mumbai, who has studied the subject in detail.
Dr Kabra who had done his medical studies and post graduation abroad, claims there is professional training provided to certain categories of people like spies, foreign officials, military personnel and others who are at high-risk of being intercepted by the enemy and tortured to pry out military secrets. This information and the techniques are easily available online on the internet, and more so on the dark net, with some hard work and dedicated search.
“A person like Aftab Poonwalla who was interested in crime, police work and murder investigation and had watched several films, web series and shows on these topics would have done a lot of research and study and programmed his mind to manipulate the results of lie-detectors or polygraph machines and narco or truth serum tests,” claims Dr Kabra.
“The Delhi police must not be satisfied with doing the polygraph and narco tests. Aftab is not a normal criminal. At the age of 27, he cold-bloodedly cut up the body of his live-in girl friend over a period of a few days and destroyed it over weeks. He kept the parts or pieces of the dead body in a fridge for weeks, got other women to the same flat and dated or had sex with several women, even while he was living in with the woman he eventually murdered. This is not a normal human being. This is not a normal criminal, who commits a crime in the heat of the moment and then in a hurry tries to wash up and destroy the dead body. Aftab did it over weeks, all the time reading and researching about evidence and police detection work and coolly smoking weed,” Dr Kabra says, adding that Poonawalla could be still taking the Delhi cops on a wild goose chase as far as facts and figures of the murder are concerned.