News Reports
Goa: Due to traffic congestion, overcrowding and air pollution, incidence of sore throat and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma has doubled over the last 3 years

PANAJI: The incidence of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma, particularly among children, are on the rise in Goa and have doubled over the last three years, a survey by the Centre for Wellness and Healthy Living has found.
The drastic increase noticed over the last eight months, particularly in North Goa, due to increased traffic congestion, crowding due to increased tourist footfalls, air pollution and several other factors has largely impacted males and females equally, but since male members normally spend more time on two-wheelers on the main roads and State Highways, the incidence of disease in the adult male population in Goa is more than that in the female population.
The Raksha Hospital Research Centre (RHRC) – a division of the Raksha Multispeciality Hospital in suburban Mumbai compared statistics and figures over the last three years during the months of July to February for ten locations in Goa and noted that there was almost a 16 to 20 percent increase in respiratory diseases and other connected ailments, this year during the same period as compared to the last 2 years – 2020 and 2021.
Dr Pranav Kabra of the RHRC warned that respiratory diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis and asthma are on the rise in the coastal state due to air pollution both among children and adults alike, caused by traffic congestion and over crowding in some areas particularly in North Goa and the incidence has almost doubled when compared to the previous two years..
“More children in Goa reported respiratory ailments this year as compared to 2020 and 2021,” Dr Kabra said.
Doctors and GPs in Goa who were contacted for feedback by the RHRC reported a proportionate increase in various respiratory diseases and ailments and other problems like viral fever, sore throat and fungal and bacterial infections, most of them related to air and dust pollution.