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Aftab Poonawalla had sex with more than 30 women in one year, was dating 20 others while living with Shraddha Walkar



NEW DELHI: In a shocking bit of news, as shocking as the news of Aftab cutting up his girlfriend’s dead body into 35 pieces and storing them in his fridge, it has now come to light that the 27-year-old Poonawalla had sex with over 30 women in the last one year and was simultaneously dating or seeing more than 20 women, even while he was living in with Shraddha Walkar.

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The Delhi police investigating the case said that Poonawalla was dating several women at the same time, all of whom he had met on various dating and matrimonial sites and apps.

According to actor Sagarika Shona Suman, who had met his live-in girlfriend Shraddha Walkar months earlier, Poonawalla was spending about Rs 6000 each week meeting and dating women, each time pretending he was single, unmarried and unattached.

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A social activist Shreha Dhargalkar who spoke to Shraddha Walkar in Mumbai, also confirmed that Shraddha knew about Aftab’s sexual escapades and the couple quarrelled about it almost daily. She tried to reason witb Aftab to mend his ways, but he refused to change his promiscuous sexual nature.

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