Life & Living

Names of various fish in English, Marathi, Konkani and Hindi mostly found in Mumbai, Konkan and Goa



MUMBAI/PANAJI: This article is part of our quest to bring our surroundings, nature, natural resources and daily or village life on record.

There are many facts and facets of life that go unrecorded as we go on with our life day in and day out, in my own case as a kid there were several fish dishes that my mother made, that we have forgotten – local fish that I relished as a kid, probably never to be seen again. At least we can remember their names. ALSO READ: Fish names in English and Marathi – mostly found on the western coast of India

This list is not complete and perfect. I am trying to collate all the names. Please mention additions, corrections and mistakes in the comments below, your inputs will be greatly appreciated.

Names of fish in Marathi – English

Surmai – Seer Fish (also known as Kingfish in Goa)
Bangada/Bangda – Mackerel
Khekada – Khekde – Crab
Bombil – Bombay Duck
Shingala – Catfish
Paplet (Sarga) – Pomfret
Mandeli – Anchovy
Tarli/Tarlya – Sardine
Kolmbi/Kolambi/Kolbi – Prawns
Rani Masa – Goatfish
Kalva/Kalwa – Oysters
Mushi Masa – Shark Fish
Sukat/Suke Javala – Jawla – Baby Prawns (dried)
Suki karandi/kardi – tiny Prawns (dried) also known as kardi or jawla
Suke Bombil – dried Bombay duck
Rawas – Indian Salmon
Kupa Masa/Kupa – Tuna
Halva – Black Pomfret
Chivni – Catfish (available during first rains)

Names of various fish – Konkani to English

Bangdo (Harro) – Horse mackerel
Bangdo – Mackerel
Bale – Ribbon fish
Bankochcho – Porcupine fish
Bande – Flying dragon
Bebu – Cuttle fish
Bakado – Blue fin tuna
Bombill – Bombay duck
Burranto – Glass perchlet
Bonzale – Anchory
Bing(ped) – Other sardine
Capsali – Golden anchory
Chamat – Tripon fish
Chikale – Murrels
Combo – Butterfly fish
Callas – Grunter
Chonak – Perch
Diana – Leather jacket
Dawak – Herring
Dinas – Carp
Dodiaro – Croakers
Galmo – Shrimps
Ghugum – Flying dragon
Gholshi – Milk filsh
Ghol – Jew fish
Gur – Jew fish
Gobro – Rock fish/Rock Cod
Halwa – Black pomfret
Ingi – Spiny eel
Jibra – Gizzard shark
Jibber – Mud shad
Kapi – Silver belly
Karli – Silver bar
Kurli – Crab
Kalvam – Oysters
Karkaro – Crescent perch
Kalunder – Pearl spot
Kanara mori – Shark
Ker – Indian tarpon
Khamp – Moon Fish
Luchok (luski) – Sucker fish
Lepo – Sole, flounder
Mutre kamp – Moorish idol
Mori – Shark
Mankio – Squids
Mud’doshi – Lady fish
Pedve – Indian shad
Phadki – Skate
Palu – Red mullet (Goat fish)
Pamplet – White/silver pomfret/butter fish
Potting – Fresh water prawns
Phursandi – Gobids
Rawas – Indian salmon
Rane – Bream/Red Snapper
Shevto – Gray mullet
Sangott – Cat fish
Sungott – Prawns
Shivod kurli – Lobster
Shinanio – Mussels
Shetuk – Silver perch
Sheluk – Horse mackerel
Surgunti – Silver pomfret
Saundas – Butter fish
Shokk – Electric ray
Sunare – Cat, zebra shark
Tambde – Flying dragon
Tharle – Oily sardine
Tisrio – Clams
Tambso – Moses perch
Tonki – Barkuda
Tonki (lamb)- Smooth flute mouth
Tadpani – Painted eel
Tarsulo – Sardine
Unkir – Flying dragon
Visvonn – Kingfish (Seer)
Valm – Eel (Vam)
Vimsi – Saw fish
Verli – White sardine
Waghi – Jumbo prawns
Waghlem – Ray
Xinanio – Mussels
Xivod – Lobster
Xetuk – Silver perch

Please forward this post to everyone and please post in the comments/feedback space below the corrections that you may find. Please add names of local fish, including river/pond fish (both Marathi, Konkani and English) so that we can add it to this list.

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