Life & Living
Loose upto 10 kgs per month – no drugs, no pain, no surgery – the latest biotech helps you loose weight in a jiffy

MUMBAI: A new space-age tech that helps you loose weight – up to 10 kgs per month is now available in India for the first time possibly.
Known as Advanced EECP or Active EECP, when combined with other techniques and procedures like metabolism management can help you loose 3 to 10 kgs per month depending on your natural setup.
While nutritionists and dieticians swear by low carb diets as the most popular and most used diets for weight loss including the Atkins diet, Ketogenic (keto) diet, and low carb, high fat (LCHF) diet, the Advanced Active EECP Diet & Weight Control process (AAEDWC) can help you loose up to 10 kgs per month without crazy dieting, drugs, strenuous exercise or painful surgical procedures.
Some dieticians go for the newest weight-loss fads that involves the diabetes medication Ozempic (generic drug name semaglutide), which can misfire in some cases causing more harm than benefits to the human body.
According to claims, Ozempic, in addition to its benefits for blood sugar control (its primary use) and weight loss, can also reduce waist circumference or tummy fat and improve cardiovascular health, claim its proponents.
However, this injectable medication is FDA-approved only to treat type 2 diabetes and is definitely not for weight loss.
Still, people are using Ozempic for weight loss as their main goal, and the trend is concerning for many reasons as it could be harmful and even fatal for the body.
Another method called thermogenesis is the dissipation of energy through the production of heat and occurs in specialized tissues including brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. It is being used to reduce weight while suppressing appetite.
Other weight loss experts focus on increasing the production levels of dopamine and serotonin, which decreases the urge to eat and causes your body to stop “feeling” hungry but this too is unreliable and can have unwanted side effects on the body.
It is said that caffeine can increase muscle performance, energy expenditure (EE), thermogenesis, and fuel utilization through several potential mechanisms in the body, but there is no hundred percent guarantee that caffeine will only increase thermogenesis in the body as extra caffeine is known to increase blood pressure
For more details on the latest in weight loss techniques and to loose weight call +918291305749