Life & Living

Fish names in English and Marathi – fish mostly found on the western coast of India




Here are some of the popular fish found in and around the waters of the western coast of India, particularly Mumbai, Konkan region (Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri) and Goa. This list is not complete and we are constantly updating our data.

Please feel free to contribute to this database by commenting in the space below, with your inputs and feedback if you have any information to share. ALSO READ: Names of fish in English, Marathi, Konkani and Hindi mostly found in Mumbai, Konkan and Goa

This is a humble attempt to put together otherwise traditional names used by villagers in the coastal zones. Please help us to update it and add to this list.

People in different villages or different districts refer to the same fish by different names. For example, the names used by the Kolis of Mumbai for the same fish may be different in Goa or Karnataka. In Mumbai the silver pomfret is also called Sarga, besides the regular name paplet.

English Marathi Scientific Name
Tuna कुपा (Kupa) Thynus
Anchovy मांदेली (Mandeli) Engraulidae
Black Pomfret हलवा (Halwa) Parastromateus niger
Bombay Duck बोंबील (Bombil) Harpadon nehereus
Cat Fish शिंगळा (Shingala) Siluriformes
Catla fish कटला (Catla) Labeo catla
Eel fish वाम (Vam) or Bala/Bale Anguilliformes
Finned Bulleye fish राणी मासा (Rani Masa) Priacanthus hamrur
Mussels कालव मासा (Kalwa) Mytilus edulis
Mackerel बांगडा (Bangada/Bangda) Scomber scombrus
Prawns कोळंबी (Kolambi/Kolbi) Dendrobranchiata
Crab Khekda
Pomfret पापलेट (Paplet) Bramidae
Salmon रावस (Rawas)
Squids माकूळ (Mhakul) Cephalopoda
Tilapia चिलापी (Chilapi) Oreochromis niloticus
Sardines पड़वा, वाशी (Padwa, Washi) Sardina
Shark मोरी (Mori) Selachimorpha
Seer fish/Kingfish सुरमई (Surmai) Scomberomorus guttatus
Rohu तांबडा मासा (Tambada Massa) Labeo rohita
Wahoo कर्ली (Karli) Acanthocybium solandri
Red Snapper Tambusa (Raja Rani) Lutjanus campechanus
White Fish मोदक (Modak) Coregoninae



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