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Goa: MP politician-Call Girl fight at Calangute hotel – Women say they were forced to perform unnatural, anal sex with two men

MUMBAI: The allegedly dramatic fight between a so-called well-known Madhya Pradesh politician – and his two associates, with two call girls (commercial sex workers) during the Holi festival weekend has taken a new and drastic turn. (read the original story here). The incident allegedly took place at a posh hotel in the coastal belt of Calangute in North Goa.
The commercial sex workers (CSWs) both in their late twenties, who were brought to Goa from Mumbai and are freelance actors doing side roles in episodic serials like CID, Crime Patrol etc., said they were forced to perform oral and unnatural (anal) sex with two men against their wish and were conned to visiting Goa on the pretext of being signed on for a film.
The women have refused to file a police complaint for fear of being exposed and excommunicated by their families and losing work in the industry. Both are aspiring actors and have been modeling for the last 2-3 years and originally hail from Punjab.
When questioned by this reporter they said they agreed to have sex with only ‘one customer’ as they were told that the man was a film producer from Delhi who would cast them as lead actors in a Hindi movie he was producing and bankrolling.
ALSO READ: Calangute hotel-MP politician-call girls case: Woman claims pimp promised them Rs 2 lakh for a day
“To get a main lead role in a movie, it is sort of understood that a fresher has to sleep with the producer. So we agreed to go to Goa and have sex with the man, but we were told it would be with only one person (the producer) and we would be paid Rs One Lakh each as a ‘signing amount’ for the movie. However, when we reached the hotel, we were told the ‘film director’ was also accompanying the ‘producer’ and we would have to sleep with both of them to get the promised movie. We reluctantly agreed as we had already reached Goa and would have to go back empty-handed. However, we were forced to have sex with three men and two of them forced us to perform oral and anal sex, which we had never consented to. In spite of this, we went ahead very reluctantly and against our own wishes, when the dalal (pimp) promised to pay us an additional Rs 15,000/- each. However, after ‘using’ us for an entire day, they refused to pay the additional amount promised to us and even tried to cheat us of the original amount, saying it was transferred online,” they told this reporter, adding that after some time the found out that the online transaction was either cancelled by the sender or rejected.
“In spite of confronting the producer (politician), he refused to pay us our balance amount,” the women stated.
The women have refused to come forward to register a complaint as they claim they went to Goa to “meet” the ‘producer’ of their own accord and the dispute arose only when the ‘customers’ tried to cheat them of the amount promised to them for their ‘services’.
“We were given the money only after we fought for it. Or else they would have cheated us and left the hotel. Their intention was to only pay us Rs 25,000/- each, when we were promised Rs One Lakh each plus the additional amount. They made us have sex with three men, as well as anal and oral sex, which we did not initially consent to and very reluctantly agreed to later on because we needed the money desperately. We were both forced to have sex with two men at the same time. It was only after the hotel security and management intervened and when we threatened to call the cops, did we get our money. But we were pushed out of the hotel premises in a vulgar manner as though we were thieves and cheats,” one of the women said.
When asked about the ‘customers’ background, the women said they did not know them and presumed they were from Delhi as informed by the pimp.
But the women admitted the ‘customers’ “were given VIP treatment by the hotel staff and management, which means either they were regulars or influential persons”.
When we told them that one of them was a former Minister and prominent Madhya Pradesh politician, they said it didn’t make any difference to them.
The premium Calangute hotel has denied that the incident took place on their premises and said ‘we were mistaken’ and claimed that our ‘news source’ was incorrect. They challenged us to provide proof of our claims.
When we informed the hotel that we had contacted and spoken to the women concerned, the hotel authorities seemed surprised, but continued to feign ignorance of the matter. Read more here
DISCLAIMER: We are unable to confirm which political party the above-mentioned politician belongs to. It is only alleged that the ‘customer’ was a politician from MP. This statement could be incorrect as it was earlier mentioned that the women would have to meet a producer. The hotel when contacted denied the incident above-mentioned even took place. Apparently, it was a private matter, which was settled among the people concerned, after a small misunderstanding. This news is based on hearsay – inputs given by a former hotel employee and we are unable to verify its authenticity and veracity. We are not responsible for other articles on other platforms, websites and publications, which may accuse any individuals or political parties in this case. We have not particularly accused or named any individual, hotel or political party and do not even impute or indirectly assign any connection to any particular political party or individual in our story. Those trying to name individuals and political parties by linking to this story are doing so on their own accord and action and we are not responsible in any way for their acts of omission or commission. After due diligence, we have come to the conclusion that the claims mentioned above are only hearsay and cannot be verified or confirmed and hence no individual or organization should be blamed, held responsible or accused in any way due to the lack of evidence to prove otherwise.