India News

Centre For Covid Awareness And Support (CCAS) To Create Awareness About Coronavirus vaccine



MUMBAI: The Centre for Covid Awareness and Support (CCAS) has started an online campaign on social media to dispel rumours and myths about the coronavirus vaccine.

The CCAS is running an all-India campaign to ensure that ill-informed persons do not spread rumours. India needs the vaccine and we must push for a faster pace of vaccination, if the Indian economy has to recover. The Covid-19 virus has done enough harm to the national economy over the last 8 months. We have to get over it. Mass scale vaccination can further help the nation develop herd immunity, which will further help businesses to start operating at full potential, a spokesperson for the CCAS said.

About two weeks ago, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan sought to dispel rumors floating around regarding the Coronavirus vaccines in use in India.

He said: There should be no misconception about the safety of the coronavirus vaccine that India plans to use as “everything has been checked in detail”, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said today even as a dry run was on across all states to figure out the best way for mass inoculation and to plug loopholes in logistics and training.

The day-long drive tests Covid Vaccine Intelligence Network (CoWIN), a digital platform to roll out and scale up the vaccination drive.

“There should be no rumours about the vaccine’s safety… Everything has been checked in detail. Initially when the polio vaccine was rolled out, even then rumours had floated. But once it went on the floor, all people were assured about the safety,” he said in New Delhi while reviewing the progress of the drive.

Assuring everyone about its efficacy, Dr Harsh Vardhan compared it to the polio vaccine drive India had launched decades ago. “Everything is being done (in the drive), except the presence of an actual vaccine,” he said.

Today’s exercise is India’s second one – the first was done on December 28 and 29 in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Gujarat. The guidelines were revised based on the feedback received from the previous drive, according to the Union Minister.

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