
Sunita Sharan Singh aka “Tandoori Bhabhi” thrashes man who tried to molest her at Mumbai’s Film city



MUMBAI: Sunita Sharan Singh aka “Tandoori Bhabhi” recently thrashed a make-up man with her sandals who tried to insert his hand into her blouse on the pretense of .applying make up.

Explaining the incident that created a mini ruckus on the sets, Sunita Sharan Singh who plays the role of “Tandoori Bhabhi’s” duplicate said the makeup man tried to put his hand into her blouse in the guise of applying some foundation and lotion during the shoot.

“Some women are ok with makeup men applying lotion or foundation on their cleavage and the exposed portion of their breasts, but I am not. I told him clearly at the start not to touch my personal parts and I would do it myself. However, he still tried to apply foundation and lotion to my breasts and I lost my cool, so I beat him with my sandal,” she said.

Sunita Sharan Singh later filed a complaint with the production house and said she was alleged molested by a makeup man who tried to touch her breasts.

Sunita Sharan Singh was selected to play the duplicate or body double in the upcoming web series produced by Spectra Multimedia and directed by Amrit Kumar Singh.

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