
Steel company at Marcaim dumping deadly hazardous waste in open area, illegally constructed 90 rooms



PONDA: A steel company at Marcaim has been dumping deadly hazardous waste in an open area, claim residents, who also allege that the company has constructed about 90 illegal rooms for the purpose of accommodating its staff members.

The Marcaim Nagrik Kruti Samiti President Premanand Gaude, Prashant Chari and other members have expressed unhappiness over Marcaim Panchayat Office accepting gifts from one steel company instead of taking action against it for illegalities since past several years.

According to Gaude,”it appears that the Panchayat supports illegalities and
our Panchayat is sold to this company.”

Premanand Gaude said the Panchayat had accepted gifts from the said steel company, in spite of several illegal activities of the company which have been time and again pointed out to the Panchayat.

“The company is illegally dumping hazardous waste in an open area and also illegally constructed around 90 rooms for the accommodation of labourers, which said should have been demolished,” he said.

The letter by Sarpanch read: “I would also like to appreciate your response to our request to provide with office material that was required by the office and shall be of a great cause to improve our office infrastructure and the office is highly obliged towards the generosity of the company.” Gaude produced this letter signed by the Panchayat as a proof of illegal gratification accepted by the Panchayat.

Premanand Gaude claimed that the Panchayat secretary confirmed about receiving a cupboard and shelf from the steel company.

Panchayat officials were unavailable for comment.

Source: Goemkarponn.com

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