Goa Briefs
Goa: Tourism stakeholders accuse TTAG of only catering to big players and 5-star hotels and resorts

PANAJI: Several tourism stakeholders in Goa both from the North and South have accused the Travel and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) of not bothering or taking care of the interests of smaller players in the industry.
“The Travel and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) does not care about all the stakeholders in the tourism industry of Goa. They only represent the interests of five-star resorts and big travel agencies,” said a tourism player in Goa who was one of the break-away group that announced a new association for all tourism-related businesses in Goa.
TTAG officials were not available for comment in this matter. Senior tourism officials also refused to comment on the matter.
The group members added that they wanted an association that represents everyone – shack owners, water sports operators, rent-a-bike and rent-a-car operators, small and medium hoteliers, restaurant owners and others. We want an association to represent all stakeholders and not just the big players, a senior member and prominent businessman said.
Several stakeholders in Goa got together to form an umbrella association of all players in order to defend the business interests of the tourism stakeholders of Goa. It was unanimously resolved to call it All Goa Tourism Stakeholders Association, a Herald report said.