Filmi Duniya

26-year-old Goan actor Natasha Shine Sanah suffers heart attack on sets, condition critical



MUMBAI: A Goan-origin model Natasha Shine Sanah who fainted on the sets of a film shoot in Mumbai on Wednesday had suffered a heart attack, hospital sources informed today.

Natasha who has been working for the last couple of years in Mumbai in the Bollywood film and OTT (Over The Top) industry, lost consciousness on Wednesday post lunch, while on the sets of a web series for a popular OTT platform in Mumbai.

It was not clear what caused her to faint and lose consciousness, but today hospital sources said she had suffered a heart attack.

Sanah hails from Ponda and Margao in South Goa. The production team confirmed that Natasha took ill post lunch around 2.30 pm on Wednesday as she was shooting in the open, with temperatures breaching 37 degrees centigrade in Mumbai on Wednesday afternoon.

The 26-year-old was rushed to a neighboring hospital by the web series production team where her condition is serious and she is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

A preliminary report at the time of admission to the ICU, suggested she suffered intense dehydration and lost consciousness as a result of dehydration and prolonged lack of nutrition. Doctors confirmed that the model had suffered a heart attack.

A unit hand told this reporter that Natasha was feeling weak since early morning, yet reported for work and had not had her food and was only consuming energy drinks.

Natasha suffered a heart attack due to the combination of energy drinks she consumed along with painkillers on an empty stomach, without having any food.

Sources said Natasha had consumed more than 5 energy drinks since early morning yesterday, which could have triggered a heart attack.

Her spokesperson Flynn Remedios refused to confirm or deny the energy drinks to be the cause of the heart attack, saying the doctors at the hospital where she is admitted have not come to any concrete conclusion as yet.

She was shooting for nearly 12 hours at a stretch since early morning and due to the hot and humid weather in Mumbai was feeling unwell since the start of the shift, unit sources said.

More details are awaited…. (Read Here)

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