
Why did Aftab Amin Poonawala kill Shraddha Walkar? Real reason for Shraddha Walkar’s murder? Why did Aftab Poonawalla murder Shraddha?



NEW DELHI: The 27-year-old Aftab Poonawalla had sex with over 30 to 35 women in the last one year and was simultaneously dating or seeing more than 20 women, even while he was living in with Shraddha Walkar.

And Shraddha Walkar his live-in girlfriend had eventually figured out and got to know the entire and whole truth about her boyfriend Aftab Poonawalla and his several sexual partners and how he was manipulating, cheating and lying to all the women, pretending to love them, just to have sex with them.

Initially, she gave him the benefit of doubt, because she loved and trusted him and was emotionally attached to him. He kept lying to her and she kept believing him and his lies.

But over one year of living with him and travelling with him, Shraddha got to know everything. First she tried to reason with him and make him understand. She tried to change him. But Aftab would not listen and would go back to his sexually promiscuous ways and behaviour which he had got accustomed and addicted to.

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Finally when Shraddha Walkar realised he would not change, she threatened Aftab to go public and reveal to the world (and the rest of Aftab’s girlfriends and sex partners) via social media, his true nature and behaviour and show the world who he really was and how he was manipulating and sleeping with several women at the same time. And when Shraddha Walkar repeated her threat, Poonawalla decided to kill her and get rid of her.

But he was afraid of getting caught and having to spend the rest of his life in jail, so he cold-bloodedly and painstakingly planned the murder and disposal of Shraddha’s body, after researching on the Internet and watching hundreds of crime, murder and other similar films, web series and videos of Crime and Murder Investigation stories.

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This is why Aftab Poonawalla decided to kill his live-in girlfriend of four years, Shraddha Walkar, because she got to know the entire truth about him, his sexual addiction, cheating and manipulating behaviour and threatened him to tell everyone about it.

According to actor Sagarika Shona Suman, who had met his live-in girlfriend Shraddha Walkar months earlier, Poonawalla was spending about Rs 6000 each week meeting and dating women, each time pretending he was single, unmarried and unattached.

A social activist Shreha Dhargalkar who spoke to Shraddha Walkar in Mumbai, also confirmed that Shraddha knew about Aftab’s sexual escapades and the couple quarrelled about it almost daily. She tried to reason witb Aftab to mend his ways, but he refused to change his promiscuous sexual nature as he was addicted to sleeping with several different women at the same time.

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