Aftab Poonawalla possibly suffering from Jekyll and Hyde syndrome, mentally unstable

NEW DELHI: One of the women who dated Aftab Amin Poonawalla accused of killing his live-in girlfriend Shraddha Walkar and chopping her body into 35 pieces, has claimed that Poonawalla could be mentally unstable and could be suffering from a Jekyll and Hyde syndrome. She says this would probably explain his eerie calm and quiet demeanor in the face of a lifetime in jail.
Aftab Poonawalla’s calm demeanor and “good behaviour” at the Tihar jail where he is lodged as an undertrial prisoner is baffling cops who expected a possibly violent, aggressive, foul and loud-mouthed individual, but Aftab seems to be calm beyond words.
Either he has some aces up his sleeve, or is working according to some sinister master plan or is outrightly unstable. However, in the latter situation he would be noisy and aggressive, but Aftab is cool as a cucumber, a Delhi police officer said.
Maybe he has something worked out or maybe he is merely killing time, waiting for the charge sheet to be filed, but in any case, Aftab seems to be on top of the game and in complete control of the situation, a fact that has baffled the cops.
Maybe he is smug in the belief that the cops will never be able to prove that the body parts recovered by them belonged to Shraddha Walkar, thus damaging the prosecution’s case and eventually leading to an acquittal.