MP politician-call girl fight in Goa hotel: No evidence that incident took place

PANAJI: In spite of our best efforts over the last one week to dig into the matter concerning the so-called fight between between a politician from Madhya Pradesh and a couple of commercial sex workers or call girls at a hotel in Calangute, North Goa, there seems to be no evidence whatsoever that the incident ever took place.
The only conclusion after a week of searching is that either all traces of digital evidence was wiped out and erased by the persons involved or the incident never took place and was either concocted and fake, or was a simple fight between a drunk group that was given a colorful, twisted narrative.
The Goa police who were requested to look into the matter by their counterparts in Madhya Pradesh had initially said that the reported incident seemed to be fake. Now a more detailed enquiry is underway, but so far no evidence seems to have surfaced to support the original report. All the hotels in Calangute have flatly denied that such an event as reported ever took place and an examination of the CCTV footage too has yielded no positive result.
While we have always maintained and stated from day one in our reportage that there was no verifiable evidence of the event and to that extent the story was a piece of gossip, some publications in Madhya Pradesh, including a mainline newspaper, twisted the narrative and story line, naming a particular political party, which was never even remotely suggested in our initial report or follow-up articles.
Further, other politicians jumped into the fray and tried to pin the blame on their political adversaries with the hope of deriving maximum mileage in the coming Assembly polls in the State, thus creating a mountain out of a molehill.
As far as this website is concerned, we are unable to lay our hands on any evidence, as everyone we spoke to has denied any knowledge of such an event or incident. The narrative which was given to us initially that prompted the first report on this website, cannot be verified as nobody is in possession of any verifiable evidence that can support the claims made.