
Call girl beats up senior MP politician in Goa hotel: Man tried to run away without paying



PANAJI: An amusing story seems to be circulating on social media and WhatsApp groups since yesterday evening. We managed to track down the “crime scene” and get to the bottom of the story.

According to the buzz, a prominent and well-known, mid-aged politician from Madhya Pradesh (on a private holiday to Goa with two friends) was beaten black and blue by a professional sex worker at a premium hotel in Calangute, after the former used the services of the latter and tried to do the disappearing act without paying the woman her fees.

No police complaint was filed by either party, in spite of the fact that the politician sustained injuries on his face and head and a few items were damaged in the hotel room. The premium Calangute hotel hushed up the matter and settled the “fees” of the call girl with her pimp (who was a local) to avoid police action in the matter. The call girl was part of a “troupe” of Bollywood “actors” and “models” who were brought to Goa from Mumbai, to apparently service the Holi party clientele that thronged Goa over the long weekend.

ALSO READ: Calangute hotel-MP politician-call girls case: Woman claims pimp promised them Rs 2 lakh for a day

According to our hotel source who witnessed the incident with his own eyes, “the politician and two others checked into the hotel over the weekend and invited two women over”. Apparently, there was some dispute about payment between the pimp, call girls and the customers over the quantum and duration of services rendered. The politician claimed he had done an “online payment” to the agent or pimp’s bank account, but the “transaction” was pending and the women would get their money in some time. Trying to avoid a confrontation, the politician tried to slip away from the spot and went and locked himself up in another room on a different floor of the hotel. After arguing with his sidekick for some time, the women realised that they were being conned as the online transaction had failed and the payment was reversed. They began searching for the politico in the hotel premises and managed to locate him hiding in another room. Apparently, one of the hotel staff unwittingly and unknowingly gave away all the room numbers booked by the politician. The women accosted the politician who tried to reason with them that the online transaction was not yet reversed.

ALSO READ: MP politician-Call Girl fight at Calangute hotel – Women say they were forced to perform unnatural, anal sex with two men

Angered by his refusal to pay, one of the women began assaulting him, first with her sandal and later on with an empty beer bottle, which was lying in the room. We were told that she flung all the water glasses and other items at him, breaking all the glass items and damaging the articles in the room. The politician, his associates and the women were all “drunk” after hours of ‘fun and partying’. Alerted by the commotion, the hotel security came into the picture and seperated the angry women, who threatened to call the cops and register rape charges against the trio, which would have resulted in major inconvenience and embarrassment to the hotel and other guests staying there.

Unwilling to let the matter escalate into the public domain, the hotel management paid off the women on the spot and drove them out of the premises. Apparently, the politician was billed for the amount paid to the women as well as the breakage of glasses and damage to other items in the room. The trio left the hotel today morning, but not before the hotel ensured that all the dues were cleared. We are sure this wasn’t a very happy and pleasant Holi experience for the ex-Minister politician from Madhya Pradesh, who we guess won’t be visiting Goa any time soon.

Editor’s note: As this story went viral, we got several requests to expose and reveal the name of the politician. However, in the absence of any police complaint or statement on record by the women and more so particularly since the hotel refused to give us any statement on record or officially acknowledge that the incident took place, we are constrained by the existing laws to withhold the names and identities of those involved in the catfight. Read more here

DISCLAIMER: We are unable to confirm which political party the above-mentioned politician belongs to. It is only alleged that the ‘customer’ was a politician from MP. This statement could be incorrect as it was earlier mentioned that the women would have to meet a producer. The hotel when contacted denied the incident above-mentioned even took place. Apparently, it was a private matter, which was settled among the people concerned, after a small misunderstanding. This news is based on hearsay – inputs given by a former hotel employee and we are unable to verify its authenticity and veracity. We are not responsible for other articles on other platforms, websites and publications, which may accuse any individuals or political parties in this case. We have not particularly accused or named any individual, hotel or political party and do not even impute or indirectly assign any connection to any particular political party or individual in our story.  Those trying to name individuals and political parties by linking to this story are doing so on their own accord and action and we are not responsible in any way for their acts of omission or commission. After due diligence, we have come to the conclusion that the claims mentioned above are only hearsay and cannot be verified or confirmed and hence no individual or organization should be blamed, held responsible or accused in any way due to the lack of evidence to prove otherwise.

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